The Gathering of the Tribes by Evans Ufeli
The story "The Gathering of the Tribes" tells is one many Nigerians can relate to, especially with elections drawing very close.
The occurrences in the story take place in a fictional rural town called Anieze, where the people who are meant to lead and ensure the town is making changes and developing are only interested in lining their pockets, while the locals are left struggling to make ends meet, with poor infrastructures and whatnots.
Which is why Ike Ibe can no longer keep his mouth shut. He is in a position to see that, the government and leading bodies of the economy are not putting the resources earned from a multinational company back into the economy as they have gone as far as lying that there is no money in the community and the multinational company hasn't paid in years.
Ike can't stand the lies anymore because he has gotten proof that isn't the case and is now beyond frustrated. Because of his upbringing, educational background and years spent in England, he is enlightened and has enough knowledge to help develop his community, but can't do so if he can not get his hands on the funds that are meant to come to him.
The Gathering of Tribes shows what will happen when a community is united, instead of divided as they fight for their rights. As both Ike and his son Nze do what is right. Ike standing up and encouraging the elders in the community to not bury their heads in the sand anymore and push corruption to the curbs, while his son Nze leads the youth and enlightens them to the power they have, when they are aware and participate in the politics of their community.
There's a lot more happening in the story, such as the experiences various Tribesmen and women experience in such a dangerous political climate, the risks follow people who fight for the right cause in the face of corruption and how people will stop at nothing good or bad to get what they want.
There are some small issues in the book, such as small typing errors and how it is printed, I don't like how stretched the margins are and the spacing between paragraphs is nearly non-existent. So hopefully if this book gets reprinted, these errors are noted.
Finally, I can say that the message this book wants to sound across to its reader is a positive one. One in which people do not cower in fear and do what's right, to better their nation, one in which people are enlightened and made aware of their rights and one which screams loud and clear that the Youth are the Future as it should be.
Written by Lara Kareem