This is the story of three ambitious young men: a scientist, an artiste and a writer who were
raised in different backgrounds but through different circumstances, had their paths crossing one another. Along the way, they were confronted with obstacles. Some of these obstacles were life-threatening, and some others resulted in painful losses.
This is a story that combines thrills, frills, pains, humour, ardour and defiance in a manner
that unfolds the twists and turns.
This is the story of three ambitious young men: a scientist, an artiste and a writer who were
raised in different backgrounds but through different circumstances, had their paths crossing one another. Along the way, they were confronted with obstacles. Some of these obstacles were life-threatening, and some others resulted in painful losses.
This is a story that combines thrills, frills, pains, humour, ardour and defiance in a manner
that unfolds the twists and turns.