When Big Masquerades Dance Naked is a biting satire on power, corruption, and greed in the fictional town of Ilekoro, a town where political officeholders connive with traditional rulers to trample on the rights and commonwealth of the masses. But their oppression does not go without opposition as manifested in the character of Ijoba and ilk, who struggle relentlessly to light to torch of hope for the people through the long, tortuous nights.
When Big Masquerades Dance Naked is not just a limpid portrayal of our social realities; it is a play that calls everyone to action, a treatise on how truth trumps darkness and prevails in the advancement of our common humanity.
When Big Masquerades Dance Naked is a biting satire on power, corruption, and greed in the fictional town of Ilekoro, a town where political officeholders connive with traditional rulers to trample on the rights and commonwealth of the masses. But their oppression does not go without opposition as manifested in the character of Ijoba and ilk, who struggle relentlessly to light to torch of hope for the people through the long, tortuous nights.
When Big Masquerades Dance Naked is not just a limpid portrayal of our social realities; it is a play that calls everyone to action, a treatise on how truth trumps darkness and prevails in the advancement of our common humanity.