In this fascinating and influential piece, Louis Chude-Sokei engages critically with the sonic and the technological to rethink and remap contemporary black diasporic formations. Initially presented as the inaugural “Bob Marley Lecture” for the opening of the Institute of Caribbean Studies’ Reggae Studies Unit at the University of the West Indies, in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1997, this seminal essay has since then “taken on a life of its own”, as its author acknowledges.
In this fascinating and influential piece, Louis Chude-Sokei engages critically with the sonic and the technological to rethink and remap contemporary black diasporic formations. Initially presented as the inaugural “Bob Marley Lecture” for the opening of the Institute of Caribbean Studies’ Reggae Studies Unit at the University of the West Indies, in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1997, this seminal essay has since then “taken on a life of its own”, as its author acknowledges.