Barki the Brave is a heartwarming story about bravery and kindness. It introduces children to the idea of animal conservation in an engaging way. It is an ideal book to start conversations about kindness, forgiveness, animal conservation, friendship, and working together to achieve a goal.
Here are other things that make this book SPECIAL!
Easy-to-read vocabulary.
Interesting characters with unique personalities.
Catchy rhyme and a refrain.
Twelve Barki shadows are hidden inside for children to discover
Barki the Brave is a heartwarming story about bravery and kindness. It introduces children to the idea of animal conservation in an engaging way. It is an ideal book to start conversations about kindness, forgiveness, animal conservation, friendship, and working together to achieve a goal.
Here are other things that make this book SPECIAL!
Easy-to-read vocabulary.
Interesting characters with unique personalities.
Catchy rhyme and a refrain.
Twelve Barki shadows are hidden inside for children to discover