The Amazing Adventures of Izi and Larry tells the story of two very good friends, eight-year-old Izi, and a magical, flying dinosaur, Larry - who lives in a zoo. Together, they go on wonderful adventures where Larry and Izi learn about different African tribes and cultures; they see the world as a kaleidoscope of many customs and practises held together by tolerance, kindness and understanding.
Box Set Includes:
- Izi and Larry & The Nigerian Civil War
- Izi and Larry & The Igbo Wedding
- Izi and Larry & The Northern Fishing Festival
- Izi and Larry & The Yoruba Wedding Ceremony
- Izi and Larry & Nelson Mandela
The Amazing Adventures of Izi and Larry tells the story of two very good friends, eight-year-old Izi, and a magical, flying dinosaur, Larry - who lives in a zoo. Together, they go on wonderful adventures where Larry and Izi learn about different African tribes and cultures; they see the world as a kaleidoscope of many customs and practises held together by tolerance, kindness and understanding.
Box Set Includes:
- Izi and Larry & The Nigerian Civil War
- Izi and Larry & The Igbo Wedding
- Izi and Larry & The Northern Fishing Festival
- Izi and Larry & The Yoruba Wedding Ceremony
- Izi and Larry & Nelson Mandela