The Lost Little Masquerade explores the journey of Taju, a six-year-old boy who becomes lost at his first Eyo Festival and is rescued by a policewoman who helps him find his father and the rest of his Eyo group. Through the medium of loss, a topic that resonates with children, and colourful images, the authors show us the beautiful Eyo culture of Lagos, West Africa’s biggest and most vibrant city in all its glory.
The Lost Little Masquerade explores the journey of Taju, a six-year-old boy who becomes lost at his first Eyo Festival and is rescued by a policewoman who helps him find his father and the rest of his Eyo group. Through the medium of loss, a topic that resonates with children, and colourful images, the authors show us the beautiful Eyo culture of Lagos, West Africa’s biggest and most vibrant city in all its glory.