Set in 1967 during the Biafran genocide, this gripping narrative follows Ngozika, a young Igbo widow who faces unimaginable brutality. A Yoruba soldier, Sola Adenubi, becomes her unexpected ally in a perilous escape with her twins.
The central question echoes: How long can Ngozika run before the shadows of war catch up with them again?
The Women of Biafra is a captivating work of fiction set against the backdrop of the Nigerian Civil War.
With themes of resilience, survival, and the power of maternal love, “The Women of Biafra” offers a compelling exploration of the human spirit amidst the chaos of conflict.
Onyeka Nwelue is one of Africa’s most prolific authors, with over 25 books to his name.
Set in 1967 during the Biafran genocide, this gripping narrative follows Ngozika, a young Igbo widow who faces unimaginable brutality. A Yoruba soldier, Sola Adenubi, becomes her unexpected ally in a perilous escape with her twins.
The central question echoes: How long can Ngozika run before the shadows of war catch up with them again?
The Women of Biafra is a captivating work of fiction set against the backdrop of the Nigerian Civil War.
With themes of resilience, survival, and the power of maternal love, “The Women of Biafra” offers a compelling exploration of the human spirit amidst the chaos of conflict.
Onyeka Nwelue is one of Africa’s most prolific authors, with over 25 books to his name.